STEAM derives from the acronym STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. We also have incorporated Arts, Agriculture, Aviation, and Aerospace, hence "STEAM". The reason that our acronym includes these additional subjects is because we believe that they are just as important, relevant, and fulfilling.
Presently, there are over 5 million jobs in STEM going unfilled. America is not producing enough workforce to fill the available jobs in STEM/STEAM. In addition, by 2000 according to Georgetown Recovery 2020, there will be another 55 million jobs available due to people retiring and newly created jobs. There is a huge workforce gap
when it comes to students of color, particularly African American and Latino students.
National College Resources Foundation (NCRF) has developed partnerships with universities, and corporations to provide training for students K-12 to learn all elements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The "A" for ARTS takes STEM to STEAM. Students of all ages can have access to NCRF’s STEAM Mobile to learn coding, programming, game design and development, networking, research, experiments, 3-D Printing, all the while building their math, science and creative skills. NCRF’s STEAM Mobile is available to visit schools, youth programs, churches, neighbor block parties and other youth activities to EXCITE, IGNITE, and BUILD students toward STEAM careers. Our instructors are professionals in their respective fields. Young college graduates with a love for teaching and engaging with future young minds. Not only do we reach students of all ages but also the intellectually challenged. All students must have the opportunity to engage, explore and expand their minds. And we can take them there.